9 Things You Didn’t Know Your Dishwasher Could Clean
By LocalXR
Your dishwasher is one of the handiest appliances in your home.
- Because it makes life so much easier, right?
- What if we told you your dishwashers can do more than just clean your dishes?
Here’s a list of 9 things that you didn’t know your dishwasher can clean:
1. Toys
Plastic and rubber toys are cleaned great on the top rack of your dishwasher. Just make sure you don’t put in electrical or battery-powered toys and toys with small squeakers inside.
2. Shoes
Just turn off the heat dry cycle and drop any shoes, from canvas sneakers and rain boots to flip flops for a deep rinse and clean.
3. Combs and brushes
Hair brushes, makeup brushes, nail brushes – throw them all in your dishwasher. Just make sure that you don’t put anything wooden in your dishwasher and remove all hair from your combs before you put them in the dishwasher.
4. Oven knobs
Cleaning an appliance with another appliance — It doesn’t get any better than this.
Put your oven knobs in your dishwasher — Along with the knobs on your kitchen cabinet (Ceramic and plastic only) and they’ll come out sparkling.
5. Refrigerator shelves and drawers
If your refrigerator’s shelves can fit into your dishwasher, then by all means, put them in your dishwasher.
6. Vent covers and grilles
The best way to clean grease-lined vent covers and grills is to put them in the dishwasher. Hands-free and effortless cleaning.
7. Cleaning supplies
The usual cleaning supplies around your home like sponges, cloths, broom ends, vacuum accessories and attachments, plastic dust pans, dish brushes — they all go into your dishwasher.
8. Garden tools
You can empty your garden toolbox into your dishwasher. Just makes sure there are no tools with wooden handles — that would wreck havoc in your dishwasher.
9. Bathroom accessories
This includes all the accessories you use for your toiletries like, soap cases, sink drain plugs, bathtub plugs, shower caddy, rubber bath mats and even toothbrush holders. Hold the toothbrushes though, even though some people claim it’s alright to put your toothbrush in your dishwasher we think it’s gross. The ADA doesn’t recommend it either.
These are proven things you can put in your dishwasher. There are probably a lot more things in your house that could use a dishwasher rinse.