Chimney Sweeping

Book local Chimeny Sweeping services near you

Your chimney is an important part of your home, if it’s not maintained it can cause structural damage to your home. Let us help you find an expert who can inspect, clean, repair or help maintain your chimney today.

What services are included in chimney sweeping?

The following services are provided by chimney sweepers Chimney cleaning Smoke ducts inspection and cleaning Flue pipes and fireplaces inspection, cleaning, and repairs to prevent soot fires and gas emissions.

How often should I get my chimney cleaned?

This will depend on how often you use your fireplace or stove. According to The National Fire Protection Association chimneys, fireplaces, and vents should be inspected and cleaned at least once a year.

Why is chimney cleaning important?

Not cleaning your chimney would lead to hazardous smoke filling up inside your home and cause severe suffocation. Additionally, the soot and rust in the chimney cap can also face corrosion.

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