Best Electricians

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When it comes to installing new power outlets, electrical panels, or wiring work it's always best to call a professional electrician to help you. Whether you’re facing power fluctuations, or you want to install new lighting, we’ll help you find a qualified electrician for the job.

When do I call an electrician?
  • If you’ve been experiencing
  • Frequent power fluctuations
  • Resetting circuit breakers
  • Changing fuses too often
  • Smell burning wires
Which grade of electrical outlets should I install?

There are three grades of outlet available

Homeowner grade which is a cheaper option but will wear out in 5-10 years.

Commercial grade That will last 100 years under typical home use conditions

Hospital grade which is typically very expensive, they are designed for never-fail.

How can I tell when an electrical outlet is not safe?

If the plug doesn't fit right or falls out on its own or if you touch it lightly. If it sparks every time you try to plug in something, you need to call an electrician to inspect it.

When to rewire my home?

If you have knob and tube wiring, BX wiring, and an ungrounded system you should have it inspected, and if in poor condition they can become hazardous to your home, and therefore you can consider rewiring.

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