
Book local Painters near you

Time and weather can cause your painting to wear out making your home look dull and old. If you’re looking for a professional painter who can help paint and restore the beauty of your home, we can help you find one in your area.

Can I use the same paint for my interiors ad exteriors?

It’s not advisable to use the same type of paint for interior painting that you would use outside as paint is formulated differently. Interior paint is made to be stain-resistant, cleanable, and able to stand up to the rigors of everyday living, while exterior paint is formulated to handle outside weather, mildew, chipping, and fading.

What to consider when picking the right paint type?

Paint types differ by durability. The higher the shine the more durable the paint. Deciding what paint type to use will differ according to the area you are painting. High or semi-gloss paint is good for areas like your kitchen and bathrooms. Flat or matte paints have a medium to low durability and are good for adult bedrooms or rooms that won’t be roughed up by kids.

How many coats of paint do I really need in my home?

Usually, one layer of paint is enough unless you want to change the color of the pain then applying 2 coats can make it darker. However, keep in mind that paint layers do build up and over applying can cause cracking and peeling

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